Wednesday, September 8, 1999
End your difficulties
Will today be a difficult day for you? That depends on whether or not you decide to make it one. Just about anything can be difficult when you consider it to be. Or not.
We often assume that things such as focused effort, discipline, commitment, and persistence are difficult, and as such are to be avoided if at all possible. Yet that is just an opinion. When you think about it, “difficult” and “easy” are very arbitrary terms. Thinking of something as difficult, just makes it that much more difficult. So what’s the purpose of it?
Imagine what would happen if instead of thinking “this is hard work and I can just barely tolerate it” you thought “this is necessary work and I’m thankful that I’m able to do it."
Making judgments about whether something is difficult or easy doesn’t contribute anything to the level of accomplishment. Stop categorizing tasks as difficult and you’ll no longer have to do anything difficult. Just do what needs to be done and truly enjoy the fulfilling road to achievement.
Ralph Marston

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