virgin islands scene

What you need is sustained outrage...there's far too much unthinking respect given to authority.
-- Molly Ivins


Tuesday, August 31, 1999

Chain reaction

Consider that every positive thing you do starts a chain reaction, the end result of which is impossible to calculate in its magnificence. Likewise, each negative thing you do initiates a similar chain reaction, which goes on and on, with an eventual accumulated devastation that is impossible to comprehend.

To say that everything you do to others comes back to you is to grossly understate the situation. Whatever you think or say or do goes out into your world and is multiplied many times over, before surely and eventually returning to you.

In what kind of world do you wish to live? What flavor of chain reactions do you wish to have swirling around you? It has been estimated that you can personally connect with any other person in the world through no more than six intermediary acquaintances.

Thus, the chain reactions that you initiate with your thoughts, words and actions will grow stronger and come back to you from directions which you never could have imagined. It may seem like magic, but it’s really just common sense. You have a great influence over the world in which you live. Use it wisely.

— Ralph Marston

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