Monday, August 30, 1999
You’ll learn
If at first the task seems overwhelming, remember that you’ll learn as you go along. Don’t let a lack of knowledge stop you from setting ambitious goals. Much of what you’ll need to know, you’ll learn in the doing.
Have you ever considered learning a new language? Does the prospect seem overwhelming? Well, you’ve done it before, and the first time you did it you were just a child. Not only did you learn a particular language, you learned the concept of language, too.
Whatever you need to learn, whether it is a language, a skill, or a new way of thinking, you’ll find a way to learn it. You’re good at that. It’s how you’ve survived and grown, and made your way in the world thus far.
When you desire to learn, when you have a compelling reason to learn, you will learn. And what you learn will take you to wherever you wish to go.
Ralph Marston

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