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All serious daring starts from within.
-- Harriet Beecher Stowe


Tuesday, August 24, 1999

The power of understanding

So many problems could be solved or avoided if more people would make the simple effort to understand and appreciate the perspective of others. So many opportunities and possibilities would be greatly enhanced if those involved would seek to better understand each other.

Empathy and a depth of understanding are not just nice things to do. They are powerful strategic tools that will greatly enhance your effectiveness. The better you know and understand the other person’s perspective, the more successful you’ll be at dealing with that person.

Fortunes have been built because someone understood what people truly wanted. Fortunes have been lost by those who didn’t understand.

In our hurry-up world, too many people don’t even take notice of the other people around them, much less acknowledge or seek to understand them. That is unfortunate and ultimately takes a costly toll.

Take the time to notice, to consider, to understand and appreciate the people around you. It is one of the most powerful ways to enhance your own life. You don’t have to agree with the other person, just seek to understand. It can make a major positive difference for everyone concerned.

— Ralph Marston

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