virgin islands scene

Lord, grant that I may always desire more than I accomplish.
-- Michelangelo


Monday, August 23, 1999

Having enough

In the frantic rush to get more, we often deny ourselves the richness of having enough. Think for a moment how satisfying it would be to have enough of the things you need -- enough money, a big enough home, enough time, enough friends, enough interesting things to do. Yet if you’re always striving to get more, then you can never have enough.

Having enough is just as much a result of your attitude as it is a function of your bank account. When you have enough, you can truly enjoy it. Having enough of anything does not in any way prevent you from getting more. In fact, having enough very often leads to having more.

Abundance flows steadily and reliably from gratitude. Yet it is difficult to express gratitude when you’re continually focused on getting more. How can you be fully appreciative of what you have when you don’t consider it to be enough? How can you experience abundance when your mind is filled with thoughts of lack and limitation?

Is ambition stifled by having enough? No, because along with the sincere gratitude of having enough comes the eagerness to make the most of it. Continually focus on making the best of what you have, and you will always have enough.

— Ralph Marston

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