Wednesday, July 28, 1999
Flexible focus
To achieve anything worthwhile, it is important to stay focused and to avoid being sidetracked by the many distractions which inevitably come your way. And yet it is also important to stay flexible, so you can adjust, adapt to, and take advantage of changing situations.
How do you stay focused without being too rigid, and flexible without being too limp? By having a clear understanding of what is important.
Being clearly focused on the ultimate goal does not require that you be unyielding on every detail. Success comes from standing firm on the important, big-picture issues, while staying flexible on the little things which, in the end, don’t really matter one way or another.
Great achievements demand a healthy balance between firm resolve and open-minded flexibility. Know clearly, precisely, exactly what you wish to accomplish, and be adaptable enough to turn every situation toward that purpose. Just because you occasionally leave the path, does not mean you must forsake the destination. Stay focused, be flexible, and get yourself there.
Ralph Marston

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