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He who angers you conquers you.
-- Elizabeth Kenny


Wednesday, June 23, 1999

Say yes

Every day we are assaulted by a profusion of things to which we must say no. If we didn’t consistently say no to the overflow of things and information which zoom past us every moment, we would become hopelessly distracted and spread too thin. Unfortunately, the necessity of saying no can become a limiting habit.

We must learn to say no much of the time, while still being willing and able to say yes. In amongst all the noise and distractions, there are treasures. And the best ones are a little bit uncomfortable.

Though saying no is a necessity, be careful not to let it become an excuse. Make a point to look for things of value to which you can say yes. Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone a little bit further each day. Seek to expand your horizons and you’ll add to the richness of your life. In your understandable desire to avoid the negative, take care that you don’t abandon the positive.

Keep yourself sane and focused by saying no. Keep your life vibrant by also saying yes.

— Ralph Marston

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