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Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared.
-- Eddie Rickenbacker


Monday, June 21, 1999


Every day will be full of surprises. Some will be pleasant, some even joyful, others will be disappointing, sad or even tragic. Accept that they will come with or without your worry and anxiety.

Plan and anticipate, but don’t worry or fret. It gets you nothing. Just do. Spend your energy and time creatively and productively, not on anger, envy or worry.

Do your very best without being obsessed about getting it perfect. Treat people with respect and sincerity without being too concerned about what they think of you. Be your true self without fear of embarrassment. Accept what is, and go from there to what you wish to be.

You have plenty of time, energy and resources available to you, more than enough to build the life you desire. Take care not to fritter them away on the meaningless, trivial things.

The surprises will come. Take them in stride. Be prepared, but don’t be afraid. Live each moment with positive purpose and your days will be incredibly rich.

— Ralph Marston

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