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All change is not growth; as all movement is not forward.
-- Ellen Glasgow


Tuesday, May 18, 1999


Right now, right this minute, there is something positive you can do for yourself, for your family, for your spouse, your children, your community, your world. There is something you can do, a small step you can take, such as going for a walk, calling a friend on the phone, buying your child an ice cream cone.

There is some little something you can do that is positive. And that little something can make all the difference in the world because it has the capacity to change your momentum. It sounds simplistic but it is powerful. Life is made up of moments strung together, and each moment we have a choice. It may be a little choice, but all those little choices, if they’re all pointed in the same direction, and focused on a specific goal or purpose, can be unstoppable.

Do you want to be positive? Do you want to be successful? Do you want to be more focused? Right now is your opportunity to do it. Right now there is something you can do, some little something that will change life for the better.

— Ralph Marston

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