Monday, May 17, 1999
Setting ambitious goals is a great start. Yet it is not enough. Real success comes only when those goals are followed through to their achievement. That means paying attention to the day-in, day-out, nitty-gritty details which go into making the goal a reality.
Anyone who thinks they’re too important to be bothered by details will eventually be undermined by their own arrogance and ignorance. Details matter. Details are supremely important. Details are very much worth knowing about.
Certainly you want to delegate tasks and responsibility when appropriate. Certainly you want to keep your eye on the “big picture.” But don’t neglect the details.
Get the details right. Paying attention to details can make the difference between a losing team, and one that wins the championship. Details can give your business a sizable competitive advantage, or they can put you out of business, depending on whether you attend to them or not.
Dive into the details. Know them, respect their importance, and they can make all the difference in the world for you.
Ralph Marston

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