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Personal power is the ability to take action.
-- Anthony Robbins


Wednesday, March 24, 1999

In control

You control one of the greatest sets of tools ever created. Stretch out your hand, pick a pencil up off your desk, and know that you are in complete control of your actions. Think about the last time you had dinner with a good friend, and realize that you are in complete control of your thoughts. Speak aloud the words “today is filled with opportunity” and understand how you are in complete control of the things you say.

With these same tools -- thoughts, actions and words -- many people have created vast fortunes, built entire cities, produced enduring works of art and literature. Others have used these tools for great harm, or have simply let them go to waste.

Your greatest triumphs and your most stinging regrets will come from the things you think, say and do -- not from the circumstances life hands you but from how you use your tools within those circumstances. You are in complete control of those tools.

So exercise that control with care, with purpose, with direction. Every moment, every day, you are in control. Think like you’re in control, speak like you’re in control, act like you’re in control, because you most certainly are.

— Ralph Marston

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