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If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome.
-- Michael Jordan


Friday, February 26, 1999

Get with it

Go ahead. Though you won’t get it perfect, you will get it done. Jump right in. Though you may not have quite enough experience, you’ll gain it quickly. Reach for your highest dreams. Though you don’t have all the answers, you’ll soon learn what questions to ask.

The perfect time to start will never come if you wait for it. Get started now and do your best. Your efforts matter much more than mere circumstances.

You can watch the world change, or you can change it. It will change today with or without you. The more input you have into that change, the more you’ll like the results. Forget the excuses. They will bring you no value. Step up and give the best that you have.

Accomplishment is a thrill which has no equal. Remember how good it feels? You can have all you want. And now is the time to go for it. Stand up, step out and make a difference.

— Ralph Marston

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