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Become a student of change. It is the only thing that will remain constant.
-- Anthony J. D'Angelo


Wednesday, November 4, 1998

Get real

You can admit reality without admitting defeat. Accepting things for what they are does not prevent you from changing them. Rather, the opposite is true. As soon as you can clearly see and own up to your weaknesses, you have begun to do something about them.

No one is perfect. Everyone is burdened with their own shortcomings. The difference between success and disappointment is whether the shortcomings are a starting point or an excuse.

Your life has a certain reality right now, and you have the ability to change that reality. To change it, you must first see it for what it is. You cannot get to where you want to go if you’re unclear about where you are.

You are what you are. That’s not an excuse to give up, it is a challenge to move forward. You are what you are, and you have every ability to be what you want to be.

— Ralph Marston

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