Tuesday, November 3, 1998
Stop and think
The actions you take can have effects that continue for a long, long time. That can be helpful or hurtful, depending on the particular action.
Someone might pick up the phone today and call an old friend, just to visit for a while. That phone call could set off a chain of events which eventually leads to the caller getting a new job, moving to a new city, meeting the love of his life, and starting a family. When he is in the delivery room witnessing the birth of his baby, he has completely forgotten about that phone call, yet it is still having a profound effect on his life.
Of course we cannot accurately predict how our lives will twist and turn into the future. However, we can be aware that our actions today have consequences for tomorrow and beyond. Armed with that thought, we can choose to take the relatively small steps today which will likely create big results in the future. We can also choose to avoid the minor indulgences today which could lead to major problems down the road.
Stop and think. What do your thoughts and actions of right now portend for the future? How can you have a big influence on your situation in a year from now by taking a seemingly small step today? You’ll eventually get an abundance of results. Right now is the time to decide what they will be.
Ralph Marston

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