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Habit is either the best of servants or the worst of masters.
-- Nathaniel Emmons


Monday, October 19, 1998


How can your life be full if your thoughts and actions are empty? The effort and essence that you put into each day, will determine what you get out of the day.

Clever shortcuts which promise reward without effort, will only bring the empty facade of success. To experience the genuine joy of being alive, you must live life with all the grainy details.

The things you think you want are mere symbols of your true desires. Thoughts and words, and the things they address, can only point the way. Fulfillment comes in the experience, for which there is no substitute.

Meaning is found not in the rewards, for they are only tokens. Seek not to have the gold medal. Instead, seek to be the person who can win the gold medal. It is in the quest that you’ll find the fulfillment which the reward represents.

— Ralph Marston

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