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Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.
-- Albert Einstein


Saturday, August 22, 1998

Vision revealed

You may not consider yourself a visionary, yet you most certainly have a vision. It is a grand and powerful vision, and it is unique to you.

How do you know what it is? It probably won’t come to you in some dazzling epiphany. Most likely, you’ll come to know and understand your vision through your frustrations.

Yes, the things which frustrate you form a clear and compelling indication of your most deeply held vision. Frustration comes when the reality of the world does not live up to your expectations. Frustration comes when you know, deep inside, that there must be a better way. And that puts you directly in touch with your vision.

In your frustration, your vision is revealed. But wait! There’s more. You also get from your frustration the energy and the burning desire to follow that vision. Are you frustrated? That’s great. Listen to what your frustration is trying to tell you, and allow its built-in motivation to get you going.

— Ralph Marston

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