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The disappearance of a sense of responsibility is the most far-reaching consequence of submission to authority.
-- Stanley Milgram


Monday, August 17, 1998

Think and be

Think of being calm and peaceful. Consider how you would sit, how you would speak. Now, how do you feel? Calm and peaceful.

Think of being confident. Imagine yourself speaking with total confidence in your voice, making decisions, acting with certainty. See yourself as completely confident. Now, how do you feel? Confident.

Think of being happy. In your mind, surround yourself with those things which bring you the most happiness. Recall a time, a place, a person that made you happy. Now, how do you feel? Happy!

You can go anywhere in your mind. You can be anything in your mind. Think about it, and it becomes real for you. Think about it with enough passion, with enough commitment, and it becomes reality.

— Ralph Marston

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