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Passion costs me too much to bestow it on every trifle.
-- Thomas Adams


Saturday, August 15, 1998

More than a wish

Each one of us has plenty of ability, and we use it every minute to effectively fulfill our desires. The trouble is, too often our strongest desires are for another piece of chocolate cake, or to see the 5th re-run of a favorite television show.

The life you are living right now is the fulfillment of your past desires. Look around you. Are you satisfied with what you see?

A desire is more than a wish. Wishes are vague, and not very compelling. For many people, wishing serves as a substitute for achieving, so wishing can actually prevent you from getting what you want. Desire, on the other hand, is very specific and almost impossible to resist. Change your wishes to strong, specific desires, and you’ll do what it takes to make them come true.

— Ralph Marston

previousStrength of desire       Think and benext

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