Thursday, July 30, 1998
Respect yourself
We tend to be much more critical of those things with which we’re most familiar. That’s only natural. After all, without some degree of familiarity it is impossible to criticize.
And what is it with which we’re most familiar? Our own selves. Most of us are far more critical of ourselves than of anyone or anything else in our world. To a certain degree, that is useful and necessary. It gives us control over our own impulses and behavior.
Yet self criticism also causes us to sell ourselves short. We discount ideas, thoughts and works, just because they are ours. That is unfortunate.
Think of someone else for whom you have the highest respect. You are just as worthy as that person. Just the fact that you’re able to recognize, admire and respect certain qualities in another person, means that you possess those qualities, too, in a way that is uniquely you.
Believe in yourself. Respect yourself. Everything you value and hold dear, is embodied within your thoughts, your ideas, your actions. Don’t be sold short by your own self-familiarity. Let yourself be the best you can be.
Ralph Marston

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