virgin islands scene

Hope is patience with the lamp lit.
-- Tertullian


Wednesday, July 29, 1998

More? Or Better

If you find that you are constantly hungry, does it mean that you need to eat more food or that you need to eat better food? The immediate impulse is usually to eat more food. Yet often what you really need is better, more nutritious food.

If something fails to satisfy you, then how can you expect to be satisfied by having more of it?

When you seek only to have more, you inevitably run into limitations. There is only so much food that you can eat. There are only so many hours in the day. There are only so many people with whom you can sustain a meaningful relationship. Yet when you seek quality rather than mere quantity, the possibilities are endless. Though there are only so many hours in each day, there is no limit on the quality of experience that each of those hours can bring.

You can never have enough of the things you really don’t want in the first place. Rather than striving for more of the same, consider how you could make things better.

— Ralph Marston

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