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The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world's problems.
-- Mohandas K. Gandhi


Wednesday, June 17, 1998

All or nothing

An “all or nothing” approach too often gets us nothing. The attitude of “I’m going to be the best on the team or I won’t even play” is self defeating. Success is achieved by degrees. Rarely is it possible to start at the top.

Certainly it is commendable and very worthwhile to aim for the very best. You won’t get there unless you go for it. But you won’t get there immediately either. In order to reach first place, you must spend some time in fifth, fourth, third and second places. Those who quit just because they came in third instead of first, never make it to the top.

The same principle applies whether you’re in a competitive undertaking or not. The reality of any endeavor is that you very likely won’t get it perfect. But so what? You’re achieving, you’re growing, you’re improving -- and those are what count. Just because you can’t have it all, is no reason to settle for nothing.

— Ralph Marston

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