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A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.
-- Hugh Downs


Wednesday, May 27, 1998

Small pleasures

Be happy with the little things, because there are so many more of them. Don’t postpone your enjoyment of life until after some grand achievement. Strive for that grand achievement, to be sure. And take pleasure in all the joys along the way.

Every day presents you with countless opportunities to experience happiness. There is joy available in each moment, if you really want to find it.

Consider how very much more likely you are to persevere, and to reach that grand achievement, if the path to it is filled with delight. Find enjoyment in the small things, and even in the striving. It will keep you going. Relish the journey, and it will help you reach the destination.

— Ralph Marston

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