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Only passions, great passions can elevate the soul to great things.
-- Denis Diderot


Tuesday, May 26, 1998

The front of your mind

To accomplish something, you must keep it at the front of your mind for the entire time necessary to complete it. When your mind becomes distracted and wanders off, the accomplishment is delayed until your attention is back on track. Achievement requires not just a momentary focus, but a continuing focus.

Every moment is an opportunity to move yourself closer to the goals you have set for yourself. Yet many of those moments are often wasted due to lack of focus and direction.

What will you do during the next hour? Imagine looking back on that hour tomorrow, or next week. Will you be glad you used it wisely, or will you regret wasting it? Regret is a powerful emotion, yet it usually does us no good because we can’t change the past. So visualize the pain of your future regret, and take the actions necessary to avoid it right now, while you still can.

You have complete control over your thoughts, and your thoughts control your actions. Keep remembering what’s really important to you. Keep it at the front of your mind, and it will happen in your life.

— Ralph Marston

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