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All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing.
-- Edmund Burke


Thursday, May 21, 1998

Rise above it

Often, the people you encounter can be petty and unreasonable to the point that life becomes very frustrating. Seek to rise above it. Refuse to let it get to you. Honor your commitments, do as you said you would, be polite, be helpful, and don’t allow yourself to get drawn into someone else’s small-mindedness.

If you react with anger or spite, then they have succeeded in pulling you into their petty world. Instead, respond with all the integrity you can muster. Be confident -- but not arrogant -- that what you are doing is the right thing. Be confident enough to set the agenda. Have the strength to not let the little, small-minded things get to you. Your time and your life are more valuable than that.

Defend yourself, yes. But without being defensive. Claim the high ground. Take the initiative to focus on substance instead of triviality, on possibilities instead of condemnation. Think like a winner. Act like a winner. Rise above the squabbling and put your energy to use making a real difference.

— Ralph Marston

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