virgin islands scene

To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive, and the true success is to labour.
-- Robert Louis Stevenson


Wednesday, May 20, 1998

It’s done

You made a mistake. Or someone else did. Or perhaps something didn’t work out the way it should have.

Whatever it was, it has been done. No amount of agonizing or criticizing will change that. To wish that it had never happened, or to pretend that it didn’t, would be a waste of good experience.

Find a way to make the best of it. You can’t go backward in time, only forward. And as you go forward, you always have the opportunity to move yourself ahead, regardless of what has happened before.

Make the best of what you have and stop worrying about how you got it. Accept that what’s done is done, and focus on the future. Put your energy and effort where they can make a difference, and they will.

— Ralph Marston

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