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A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.
-- John Maxwell


Friday, January 23, 1998

Hands on the wheel

No one would dare to drive down the highway without their hands on their car’s steering wheel. Yet we often cruise down the highway of life with no hands on the wheel.

The mind is like a steering wheel for living. Whatever way it is turned, life obediently follows. And when we fail to exercise control of our mind, life becomes reckless. Instead of keeping our hands firmly on the wheel, instead of purposefully directing our thoughts, we let our minds get turned in every which direction.

The results are often disastrous. Our lives weave into oncoming traffic, and we get hit head on. We often leave the road completely, and head out over rough terrain, which jolts us and jars us until we finally break down.

In life, as in driving a car, the swiftest, most reliable progress is made by staying firmly in control. To do that, we must know where we’re going, we must plot a route to get there, and we must be disciplined enough to keep our hands firmly on the steering wheel.

— Ralph Marston

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