virgin islands scene

The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen.
-- Rachel Naomi Remen


Wednesday, October 22, 1997

Meet the challenge

On some level, life is always a struggle, no matter who you are, or how powerful you are, or how much money you have. Nothing can shield you or protect you from the fact that life is always a challenge. Even if you spent your days swimming in the crystal clear waters around your own tropical island, being attended to by a staff of faithful servants, life would be a challenge.

So accept it. Much misery comes from the futile longing for a life without challenge or strife. In our attempts to avoid struggle, to avoid effort, to avoid challenge, we end up throwing away the precious moments that could be spent fulfilling our incredible possibilities.

You cannot avoid challenge. It is what makes life happen. Welcome the challenges. Find fulfillment in living through them, and in using their energy to propel you forward. Each day is full of them. Each one offers its own opportunity for growth and accomplishment.

Delight in your own effectiveness at making the most of the challenges which face you. Happiness, confidence, fulfillment and joy come not from an absence of challenge, but from the ability to welcome the challenges of a meaningful, passionate life.

— Ralph Marston

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