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Opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
-- Thomas Alva Edison


Saturday, September 13, 1997

Value and grow

The things you value, are what become valuable in your life. You give value, you create value by your attention, your efforts, your commitment.

Value your work and it becomes more valuable. Value your home and it becomes more valuable. Value your life, your family, your faith, your body, your mind -- and they all become more valuable. Value your ideas and they become more valuable. Value your time and it becomes more valuable. Value your money and it becomes more valuable.

Value is not determined by a price tag. The value of anything is the value you give it. What do you value? What do you want to grow and become abundant in your life? Give yourself to those things which you value and they will certainly flourish.

— Ralph Marston

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