Friday, September 12, 1997
Agree to disagree
We’re all different. Each of us operates in a different reality. No one sees the world exactly the same as you, because no one shares your own unique perspective.
The result is that you cannot ever completely, totally see things in the same way as someone else. Once you accept this fact, you improve your chance for understanding and learning from others.
Stop wasting your time trying to make everyone see things the way you do. Arguing is rarely very productive. Instead, agree to disagree, and then look for what you can learn for your differences.
No one will ever be exactly like you. No one will ever agree completely with you. You wouldn’t want that, anyway. Imagine how boring it would be.
Learn from the diversity of the world around you. Find the good in everyone, no matter how different they might at first appear.
Ralph Marston

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