virgin islands scene

To create is to live twice.
-- Albert Camus


Saturday, June 21, 1997

What does success mean to you?

Right now, you are 100% successful, when measured against your own definition of success. Whatever you are, whatever you have, whatever you’re doing now -- these are the things you’ve set your sights on achieving. These are the things you’ve committed to with your behavior and your actions.

If your definition of success is to sit in front of the TV with a beer, then that’s probably what you’re doing, and your lifestyle reflects it. You may not think of that as “successful". Yet whatever you’ve set as your priority, is your own true personal definition of success.

It is almost impossible for you not to attain the goals to which you are truly committed.

You’ve been completely successful at designing and achieving the life you now live. If you’re not happy with that life, all you need to do is change your own definition of success. Change it, that is, not just in your thoughts and words, but in your actions, in your commitments.

You have what it takes to be successful at anything. Already, your priorities have been successfully manifest in the life you now live. You can have any life you want, when you adopt the necessary priorities.

— Ralph Marston

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