virgin islands scene

Even a small star shines in the darkness.
-- Finnish proverb


Thursday, May 1, 1997


It is through desire, and attainment of our desires, that we grow -- not through the objects of our desire. That is an important distinction.

Our nature is to continually have greater and greater desires. Once a particular desire is satisfied, we develop an even more challenging one to take its place. This progression leads us to higher and higher levels of fulfillment, because of the person we must become in order to successfully follow our desires.

You work and work to build yourself a nice, big house. You move in, and then suddenly it’s not enough. There is an emptiness. The object is there, but the desire is gone. It doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with the house. It means that you’re longing for another challenge.

But don’t start wishing for an even bigger house. That’s the mistake that many people make. Instead, start looking for a bigger challenge. Do you see the difference? It is the challenge that satisfies your need for desire, not the goal.

The objects won’t ever satisfy you. The challenges will.

— Ralph Marston

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