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A problem well stated is a problem half solved.
-- Charles F. Kettering


Wednesday, April 30, 1997

Now is the time

Now is the time to make your life count. Now is the time to live your dream. All that has happened up to this point, has prepared you. You’ve learned something from every experience -- the good and the bad. You’re strong, and capable, and effective. You can do whatever you set out to do.

Now is the time to put it all to use. Now is the time to live the life you want. Now is the time to make a difference in the world, to fulfill the enormous potential that you have always carried with you.

This is the time. There is no other. No need to wait for things to be exactly right -- they’re exactly right, right now. They’ll never be perfect, but so what? Every moment is a precious gift, and the more of them you spend passionately in pursuit of your dream, the more fulfilled your life will be.

Now is the time. Live with everything you have.

— Ralph Marston

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