virgin islands scene

God made the world round so we would never be able to see too far down the road.
-- Isak Dinesen


Tuesday, October 29, 1996

Start every day as a winner

Expect good things to happen. And you’ll find the good in whatever happens. Circumstances will work in your favor when you’re focused on finding the positive.

Expect the best of other people. When they know what you expect of them, they’ll deliver. Expect the best of yourself. And when the going gets tough, you’ll have the strength to persevere.

Take responsibility. The person you are, the things you have, the life you live is up to you. You are in control. Make it the best you can.

Put your goals into action. Have the courage of your convictions. If it is worth believing, if it is worth visualizing, it is worth doing. Thoughts control your actions. Actions control your life.

Look for opportunities to make a difference. The more people you serve, the more abundant your life will be in every respect.

— Ralph Marston

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