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The disappearance of a sense of responsibility is the most far-reaching consequence of submission to authority.
-- Stanley Milgram


Monday, October 28, 1996


Doubt will stop you cold. You are what you think you are. You do what you think you can do. When you doubt that it can be done, it won’t happen for you.

When you go to sleep and dream, anything is possible. In your dreams you can fly, you can hold conversations with people who have long since left your life, you can move forward or backward through time. In your dreams, you have no doubt. And in your dreams, you can do anything that you can imagine.

What if your waking life had the same absence of doubt? Think of the things that would be possible.

"Just say no” to doubt. Your doubts are all in your mind, and you can control your mind. When doubts come to the surface, send them away. Focus your mind on other, more positive thoughts. Crowd out your doubt. Take control of your doubt before it has a chance to take control of you.

You are capable. You are worthy. You are deserving. You can do it. Have faith. Know that you are able to overcome any obstacle. See yourself accomplishing your goals. Visualize and feel what that would be like. Make the experience real, and you’ll know you can do it.

— Ralph Marston

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