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The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.
-- Eden Phillpotts


Monday, January 15, 1996

Life skills

My second grade daughter recently brought home a note from school explaining that the school was implementing a “Life Skills” curriculum in every grade. Accompanying the note was a list of the life skills that children will be encouraged to develop and use. I thought it was a very useful and thought-provoking list for people of all ages. Here it is:

Integrity: to act according to your sense of what’s right and wrong.

Initiative: to do something because it needs to be done.

Flexibility: to be willing to alter plans when necessary.

Perseverance: to keep at it.

Organization: to plan, arrange, and implement in an orderly way; to keep things orderly and ready to use.

Sense of humor: to laugh and be playful without harming others.

Effort: to do your best.

Common sense: to use good judgment.

Problem solving: to create solutions to difficult situations and everyday problems.

Responsibility: to respond when appropriate; to be accountable for your actions.

Patience: to wait calmly for someone or something.

Friendship: to make and keep a friend through mutual trust and caring.

Curiosity: a desire to investigate and understand your world.

Cooperation: to work together toward a common goal.

Caring: to feel and show concern for others.

Courage: the ability to persevere and withstand danger, difficulty, or fear.

— Ralph Marston

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