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Always deliver more than expected.
-- Larry Page


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Value along the way

Speed matters, but direction matters more. In most cases, getting there faster is not as important as getting there well.

The value embedded in your chosen destination is not in merely arriving. You can also gain great value in the journey.

Rushing through that journey not only produces needless anxiety, it forces you to bypass opportunities. Choose instead to let your life unfold at a pace that leaves plenty of room for goodness and fulfillment along the way.

If you feel the need to rush through anything, do you really even want to do it? If you cannot savor the process, you’re unlikely to be satisfied with the result.

Go steadily forward, and don’t dawdle. But don’t hurry so much that you far outrun the value of the experience.

Make sure you’re going in a positive direction, and give yourself the time to do it well. Value every moment along the way, and put all that time on your side.

— Ralph Marston

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