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The trouble with life in the fast lane is that you get to the other end in a hurry.
-- John Jensen


Saturday, September 7, 2024

People will notice

It would be great if the values that you treasure were widely supported and encouraged by others. Yet even if very few other people share your values, you can still benefit from them.

It’s not really advisable or even possible to force your values on others. What is possible, though, is to continue finding new and creative ways to reinforce those values in your own life.

People generally adopt values when they see those values demonstrated to be successful. As such, the best way to promote your own values is to live them in ways that make your life noticeably better.

A fundamental part of being a positive influence in the world is to serve as a positive influence in your own life. Living with goodness and integrity is an excellent way to promote goodness and integrity.

People are rarely receptive to preaching, scolding, and demonization. Yet they are always eager to learn from those they respect and admire.

Live according to your values, with truth, openness and authenticity. Plenty of people will notice.

— Ralph Marston

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