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Attitudes are the forerunners of conditions.
-- Eric Butterworth


Friday, September 6, 2024

Vigorous supporter

What can stop you most effectively is you. What can stop you most routinely is you.

Fortunately you don’t have to let that happen. You have control over your thoughts and actions, and you can exercise that control to benefit yourself and your world.

Various circumstances arise, with their obstacles, interruptions, frustrations, pains and discouragements. As difficult as life can be, there’s never any good reason for you to add to that difficulty.

Though many forces can push you back, you always have the ability to push forward. Set your sights on a meaningful enough purpose, and you activate that ability and the willingness to use it.

Some days you can make real, discernible progress, some days you just stay even, and other days you might slip backwards. Yet on every one of those days, you can seize the opportunity to give your absolute best.

Choose to be the most vigorous supporter of your own life and your own highest purpose. No matter what other factors may come into play, that’s always your most positive and powerful choice.

— Ralph Marston

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