virgin islands scene

We are perishing for want of wonder, not for want of wonders.
-- G. K. Chesterton


Friday, August 30, 2024

Strength rises up

Cheap thrills cannot take the place of deep, abiding purpose. Discrete transactions are a poor substitute for enduring relationships.

The opportunities that matter come with a demand and an ability for you to invest something of yourself. When you leave behind your own blood, sweat, time and toil, it cannot help but be an enriching experience.

To be truly fulfilled is to participate intensely in the fulfillment. People can provide their sincere help in many ways, but no on can simply will a rich and meaningful life upon anyone else.

All too often, well-intentioned attempts to make things easier, for oneself or for others, end up causing needless misery and difficulty. Rather than seeking, offering, or promoting ease, look for ways to encourage and build strength.

For while ease is fragile and conditional, strength is enduring, independent, and self-perpetuating. Ease, comfort, and convenience can quickly crumble when conditions inevitably change, yet strength rises up.

Does it come free and quick and easy, or does it push you toward strength? Choose strength, for that’s what endures.

— Ralph Marston

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