virgin islands scene

Sin makes its own hell, and goodness its own heaven.
-- Mary Baker Eddy


Thursday, August 29, 2024

Live the peace

Step away from the noise and the drama. Take a deep, refreshing breath, and allow peace to fill your awareness.

Much of what you’re normally forced to notice is not really worth your notice. Calmly consider the beautiful truth of who you are and the good things you can do.

Remind yourself of the people, the places, the ideas and pursuits you love. Resonate with the authentic goodness of the moment you’re in and the existence you inhabit.

Settle into a level of being where all is truly well. Give yourself the experience of being able to linger there, with no need to rush away.

Live the peace you’re always capable of experiencing. Let it strengthen you and inspire you to handle whatever may come your way.

Live the peace, and accept from it a refreshed perspective. Take all the truth you find there, and carry it bravely forward.

— Ralph Marston

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