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It is in our lives and not our words that our religion must be read.
-- Thomas Jefferson


Saturday, June 15, 2024


What you truly care about doing, gets done. What you care about learning, you quickly come to know and retain.

If you’re failing to take action in some particular realm, it’s not because you’re incapable. It’s because you don’t have sufficient incentive.

Just as water naturally flows downhill, your energy flows toward whatever you perceive as most meaningful. The right incentive can push you all the way to the limit of what you can do.

What incentives exist for you right now? What incentives exert their powerful influence on the other people in your life?

Behind every what is a why. Keep that in mind when addressing your own behavior and everyone else’s behavior.

Incentive has always driven action and always will. See it, know it, respect it, and apply incentive to the benefit of yourself and your world.

— Ralph Marston

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