virgin islands scene

This is a world of action, and not for moping and droning in.
-- Charles Dickens


Friday, June 14, 2024

In the doing

Gather information and resources, plan your strategy, develop your capabilities. Then make good and meaningful use of what you have.

By all means prepare well for all you intend to accomplish. But don’t let the preparation be a substitute for the accomplishment.

Your purpose is not to merely amass unused potential. Your purpose is to fulfill the potential to which you have access.

When you actually execute your plan you open yourself up to the risk of failure. Yet without the risk, without the action, without putting yourself on the line, there can be no achievement.

Do what you have prepared to do. Accept that it’s not going to unfold perfectly, and go ahead with it anyway.

Certainly there’s value and necessity in the preparation. Nonetheless, the fulfillment you seek is in the doing.

— Ralph Marston

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