Monday, April 15, 2024
Calm and productive focus
You can focus on any activity. In so doing, you transform it into a supremely fulfilling experience.
Various forces in the world have an interest in defining for you what is enjoyable, what is worthwhile, and what is not. But you never have to buy into the assumptions they promote.
At a deep level, what’s enjoyable and fulfilling for you is being you. That means engaging your interests, utilizing your abilities, and interacting with the reality in which you’re immersed.
Arrange some time and space where you are beyond the reach of most distractions. Then, whether you’re doing what you want to do or need to do, give yourself completely to the effort at hand, whatever it might be.
Experience yourself as you make a difference, and as you continue to do so for a sustained period of time. Enjoy the feeling of taking one purposeful action after another, with no rush, no interruption, no further agenda.
Nourish yourself often with a period of calm and productive focus. Discover again and again how good and right it is to be you.
Ralph Marston

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