Saturday, April 13, 2024
Opportunity to learn
The most valuable lessons are not what anyone else seeks to teach you. They are the lessons you learn for yourself.
How do you learn those lessons? You learn by doing, by living, by experiencing.
You learn by making mistakes, then enjoying some progress, then making bigger mistakes, followed by a little more progress. You learn by observing and contemplating, by putting yourself on the line and accepting the consequences of your actions.
You learn by experimenting, by adjusting and adapting. You learn from paying close attention to what works and why.
Even when you have no intention to learn anything, there’s something to be learned. Ask honest questions, listen with care and respect, and learn.
With what you learn you can make real improvements to your life, your work, your world. And every moment, in any situation, you have the opportunity to learn.
Ralph Marston

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