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You do not lead by hitting people over the head - that's assault, not leadership.
-- Dwight D. Eisenhower


Thursday, March 28, 2024

Great rewards

When you encounter difficulty, that’s no reason to give up. On the contrary, it means you’re making real progress.

As you get closer to the summit, the mountain becomes steeper, more rugged. Keep climbing, continue making the effort, for you’ll soon be reaching the top.

Every challenge you come across provides confirmation that you’re making a positive difference. See those challenges not as excuses to stop, but rather as forming a platform from which to push forward.

The greatest achievements come in response to the greatest challenges. When the going gets rough, you’re entering the realm of profound opportunity.

When there is much that must be done, there is enormous value waiting to be created. Step boldly forward and claim that value.

Whatever may come, whatever arises to block your path, keep moving. There are great rewards to be gathered just on the other side of your persistent efforts.

— Ralph Marston

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