virgin islands scene

Thou shalt not be a victim. Thou shalt not be a perpetrator. Above all, thou shalt not be a bystander.
-- Holocaust Museum, Washington, DC


Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Dedication to truth

Speak up, and speak the truth. Be honest, and give others the opportunity to be honest with you.

Make no apologies for recognizing and acknowledging what is true, what is real. Your dedication to truth not only improves your own life, but is ultimately beneficial to everyone.

It can be convenient in the short term to pretend that what’s obvious is not really there. But all that does is create more problems down the road.

The sooner you get the truth out in the open, the better. The longer you wait to deal with a painful truth, the more painful it will be.

Being truthful is an act of love, of confidence, of trust and understanding and kindness. Even when truth hurts, it helps.

Speak and act and live on the side of what is real. As challenging as life certainly can be, it is always best when aligned with truth.

— Ralph Marston

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