virgin islands scene

Fortune sides with him who dares.
-- Virgil


Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Ordinary wonder

Experience and enjoy the ordinary wonder that is all around you. Marvel at the enchantment that exists within a single beam of sunlight.

Stop, open yourself, and give life the chance to amaze you. It always will.

Slow down and examine the endless implications behind some of those things you normally rush right on past. Discover the extraordinary depth and richness that stretch out in every direction.

Everything you know gives you the opportunity to know more. There is no end to what you can explore.

As useful as your knowledge and models and assumptions may be, they are all based on partial information. You can always experience anew, always learn more, and thereby vastly improve the quality of your life and your world.

Great treasures forever remain in the ordinary wonder that constantly surrounds you. Find a few and share them today.

— Ralph Marston

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