virgin islands scene

The past should be a springboard not a hammock.
-- Irving Ball


Saturday, November 18, 2023

Perfect conditions

Clear skies and calm seas make for a great day of sailing. But every ship’s captain must also be prepared to navigate safely through wind, rain, darkness, and turbulent waters.

If you’re only able to make progress when conditions are perfect, you’re not going to make much progress. Reality demands that you learn how to successfully proceed when things are less than perfect.

It’s great to have a supportive environment, ample resources, a clear and obstacle-free path, and the absence of external constraints. But that’s not how the real world usually works.

To achieve an ambitious objective, be willing and able to adapt to the circumstances you encounter throughout the process. In addition to making your success more likely, this approach makes your skills and experience more resilient, more valuable.

Favorable conditions are nice when you get them. Just make sure you see them as a lucky bonus instead of an essential requirement.

Achievement happens when you’re committed to do the work of achievement no matter what. That’s a whole lot better than waiting around for perfect conditions.

— Ralph Marston

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