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Being your own man does not mean taking advantage of anyone else.
-- Flip Wilson


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Much to value

Value life’s possibilities enough to dream. Value your dreams enough to act on them.

Value each moment such that you make good use of it. Value every circumstance such that you uncover the opportunities within it.

Value your thoughts, desires, passions and fears so as to learn what they have to teach. Value the expressions of those who disagree with you for exactly the same reason.

Value the challenges for the strength they can engender in you. Value the questions that have no answers, for the journeys of imagination they inspire.

Value what has been known and understood since before anyone can remember. Value the massive treasure that’s yet to be discovered, and seek to find fresh new glimmers of it every day.

There’s much to value, much to know, much to live, love, experience and share. Now is when.

— Ralph Marston

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