virgin islands scene

God made the world round so we would never be able to see too far down the road.
-- Isak Dinesen


Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Ripe with potential

Enjoy beauty anywhere you can experience it. Take inspiration wherever you encounter it.

Embrace meaningful challenge when you come across it. Give love as you have the opportunity to offer it.

The moments always coming your way are ripe with potential. Keep your regrets to a bare minimum by seeing and fulfilling as much of that potential as you can.

When you have the chance to satisfy your curiosity, do so. Ask questions, seek answers, admit what you don’t know, and set about to learn it.

Appreciate the unique value of each person who comes into your life. Rather than wishing for people to be or to act exactly how you want, rejoice in the distinctive treasure of the way they actually are.

The magnificent potential of life exists for you, right here, right now. Live it as it comes, and live it well.

— Ralph Marston

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